
Endorsements for the Laguna Beach Police & Community Foundation

Laura Farinella, Retired Chief of Police

“I am excited to hear about the official formation of the Laguna Beach Police and Community Foundation. As a retired Laguna Beach Police Chief, I am very aware of the opportunities a foundation can provide the Police Chief to both enhance the Police Department and further support community engagement.

Not all equipment, training, community outreach, and engagement programs can be funded through the police department budget. On an ongoing basis, unfunded new modern equipment, law enforcement training and community engagement programs become available. The Police and Community Foundation has the ability to bridge the gap between what is and is not funded and provide new opportunities. With additional funding support through the Foundation, the Laguna Beach Police Department can stay on the cutting edge of all that is available to law enforcement.

I fully support the Laguna Beach Police and Community Foundation and look forward to seeing how their support increases the betterment of both the Police Department and the Laguna Beach community.”

Best Regards,

Laura Farinella
Laguna Beach Police Chief, Retired

Paul Workman, Retired Police Chief

Paul Workman, Retired Chief of Police

“I retired as the Laguna Beach Police Chief after 40 years of service to the Laguna Beach Community. I am enthusiastic about the effort to create a true non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the sworn and professional staff at the Laguna Beach Police Department to benefit the community.

This is an honest effort to establish a truly unique public and private partnership that funds projects, equipment, and programs that otherwise are left behind due to budget constraints.

With the guidance and leadership of a strong core of dedicated community members, I have little doubt that the Foundation will have a continuing positive impact toward improving the level of service provided by the staff of the Police Department.

The Laguna Beach Police and Community Foundation is endorsed by Chief Jeff Calvert, and I have every confidence that it will be dedicated to promoting a healthy relationship between the Police Department and the community in supporting public safety in Laguna Beach.

I proudly endorse the Laguna Beach Police and Community Foundation.”


Paul Workman
Chief of Police, Retired